reasons to stay


this list
road trips
roller coasters
best friends
solar eclipses
family reunions
next paycheck
new adventures
instagram pictures
apple's next phone
nobody can be you
late night drives
days off school
snow days
field trips
harry styles
that one person
you have a story
dancing in the rain
new places to travel
the beach
you’re pets
you’re 21st
you’re mom
you’re dad
you’re siblings
you’re favorite cousin
you’re fear
you’re soulmate
you’re teachers
you’re future kids
you’re favorite movie
you're dream future
your struggle will make you stronger
you have a lot of people that love and support you
you’re favorite singer
you’re next birthday
you’re someones person
bus rides when you’re laughing
the next season of that one show
find you’re happy place
you’re the reason someone’s still here
true love
airports at night
all those deep talks
running in a field of flowers
new music you need to hear
you still haven't moved into your dream place yet
you haven't seen enough sunsets yet
Everyday us a day closer to happiness
all those deep talks
you still have your next favorite food
hugging the person you haven't hugged in a long time
you haven't made you mark yet
you haven't tired every chapstick flavor yet
you'll miss a big milestone
meeting new people
being able to say, “I made it”
genuine smiles
time heals most wounds
your first apartment/house
the crunch of leaves in the fall
meaningful hugs
being in/attending someone’s wedding
the smell of christmas trees
ice cream
the city
waking up late
to prove them all wrong
to love and be loved
the ocean
very loud music
days out
watching a concert/play
reading your favourite book
conversations that last all night
to plan for the future
to learn new things
you are important
christmas morning
someday the pain will end
warm baths
the first snow of winter
first kisses
sand between your toes
flowers in spring
pyjamas after a hard, long day
new bed sheets
water balloon fights
thrill of roller coasters
meeting your favourite celebrities
days spent outside
the sound of water
visiting a place from childhood
all the places you’ve never been
music whilst driving
to look back at all the shit you got through
buying new clothes
meeting internet friends in real life
to succeed
to work in the career you’ve always wanted
baby laughter
a hot cup of tea
rules to break
to help someone
smiling at strangers
the last day of school/work
taking pictures
water slides
going on holiday
to fall asleep on someone
to be protected
to grow
to make new memories
to look back on old memories
to laugh at childhood pictures
sit with animals and nature
to be loved by a pet
swimming on a hot day
the first signs of autumn
to binge-watch a series
to live independently
to get somewhere in life
to breathe
to grow
so that you can say that you’re alive
Cuddling while playing video games
Fuzzy socks
Finger painting
Finding good makeup at Dollar Tree
Late night walks outside
Movie marathons on Sunday
Halloween time
Falling in love
Fondue parties
Inside jokes
Black and white photography
Quoting lines of your favorite movies
Lighting candles when the power goes out
Making shadow puppets on the wall
Watching horror movies at the movie theater
Finding constellations in the night sky
Light summer breezes
Completing a DIY project
Finding the perfect lipstick
Helping others in need
Disney World
Giving presents to others
Slicing open the perfect avocado
Drinking a homemade smoothie
The jokes on Laffy Taffy wrappers
Classic Disney movies
Blowing dandelions
The smell of campfires
Stopping to play at a random neighborhood park
Hiking in a forest preserve
Bike rides at the beginning of June
Finding a new vegan restaurant
Taking really unattractive pictures of yourself
Making friendship bracelets
Writing a poem you’re proud of
Finishing a good book for the first time
Seeing wild animals in your backyard
Making an instant connection to others
Reading a meaningful quote at the right time
Talking about the same memories over and over again and never getting tired of them
Having a picnic in an obscure spot
Not being able to finish a story because you’re laughing too hard
Watching movie trailers
Earning enough Swagbucks to get a free gift card
Finding your favorite restaurant
Belting out to Disney songs
Walking around your house with no pants on
A quiet house to write in
Finishing an entire chapstick without losing it
A part of you never growing up
Shoveling the snow then going in to have a big cup of hot chocolate
Snuggling in clean blankets straight from the dryer
Picking out the perfect paint color at Home Depot
Awesome finds in the clearance section at Target
The mental health community on Twitter
Looking outside and seeing a rainbow
Compliments from complete strangers
Catching lightning bugs your hands
Making awesome things out of Play-Doh
Having a good hair day
Playing with the animals at the shelter
Soaking in detox bubble baths
Jumping in a freshly raked pile of leaves
Getting a positive checkup at the dentist
Smelling flowers and having them stick to your nose
When someone scratches your back and gets the perfect spot
Drawing murals with chalk
Hot summer days with ice-cold pools
Building forts of blankets and couch cushions
Grandmas who always overfeed
You got through another day
Tomorrow is a brand new day
You’re getting stronger every single day
Creating new dreams you can conquer
Knowing that there is only one you on this planet

( Made with Carrd )